National Make a Difference Day

4th Saturday of October

October 28, 2023

Make a Difference Day was created by “USA Weekend” magazine in 1992 to offer community support and encourage volunteerism across the country. Points of Light, a non-profit organization founded by former U.S. President George H. W. Bush, is the official co-sponsor of Make a Difference Day. Ever since its inception, Make a Difference Day has echoed in 30 countries and has inspired over 30 million volunteer hours.

National Make a Difference Day is the largest national day of community service in the United States and is all about making as much of a difference as you can in your local community. This extraordinary day aims to inspire people from all walks of life to step up, take action, and make a positive difference in their communities. This day encourages people to volunteer their time, money, and resources to make a difference in their community. There is no pressure to go above and beyond. Rather, the day encourages people to do as much as is within their reach to make a difference in the lives of the people, animals, and communities around them. There is no wrong way to volunteer and anything that will make a difference in someone else's life is the perfect way to contribute.

Whether through volunteering, organizing charitable projects, or engaging in acts of kindness, National Make a Difference Day encourages individuals to contribute their time, resources, and skills to address various social issues.

Making a difference can come in many forms so this day is wide open for participation!

Volunteer in your community or for an organization with merit.

Organize a Community Clean-Up

Give a neighbor a hand with seasonal chores.

Be a mentor. Help a youth or another professional to gain new skills.

Make a donation to a charity with meaning to you.

Say a kind word of support to someone who is struggling.

Put your skills to work. Sometimes our hobbies can bring joy to others in ways we least expect it.

Do what you can to make a difference and use #MakeADifferenceDay to spread the message on social media.