Happy Halloween

Friday the 13th Superstitions

Friday the 13th Superstitions

There are plenty of superstitions involving vehicles &/or driving that people feel compelled to follow for good luck. Check out this roundup of driving superstitions you can add to your drive today.

1. Holding your breath


There are many different origins behind this quirky habit, including not wanting to disturb the dead. Some drivers even believe it’s possible to accidentally inhale a ghost or become possessed.


This one is about preventing bad luck. Some even believe you can make a wish if you reach all the way out of the tunnel without breathing, but we don't reccommend testing this one out!

2. Honking before you enter a tunnel

Along with holding your breath for the sake of the other superstition, some people will also honk right before entering a tunnel. This is to ward off evil spirits that could cause you to crash.

3. Slapping the roof/sun visor after driving through a yellow light

According to this common superstition, tapping the roof of your car is a way of expressing gratitude that you made it through without getting into a collision. A small gesture of thanks for passing through a yellow light safely. Some people take it further and kiss their fingertips before tapping the ceiling.

4. Scratching your car on purpose

There’s the thought that by doing something to yourself it won’t happen to you, as such believers of this superstition explain that to drive around with a pristine car is to tempt fate. There’s only one way to protect a new or freshly painted car from getting an ugly scratch: Do the honor yourself. Smart car owners will scratch a spot that won’t be too noticeable, like inside the door frame or a wheel well.

5. Crushing lemons under the wheels to avoid car accidents

A well-known Indian superstition, this ritual is considered especially important when the car is brand new. The lemon is believed to ward off evil & accidents, protecting both car and driver. Just be sure to clean up the mess afterward!

6. Throwing loose change under the driver’s seat

This good-luck superstition is about creating good luck, seems to have originated in the NY/NJ area where if you’re short on coinage and need to pay a toll, you can now just reach down for the scattered quarters!

7. Bird poop as a good luck charm

Don’t wash off bird poop right away. Bird poop is considered good luck and can help keep you AND your car safe out on the road. Our thoughts? There's probably more sanitary ways to protect both you and your car's finish!

8. Lifting your feet from the pedals while crossing over railroad tracks

No one knows the origin of this questionable maneuver, but it’s fairly widespread in areas with railroads. There are several motivations behind this, like if you don’t you’ll never get married, or die young, or lose the person you’re in a relationship with. We want to point out that as the driver of the vehicle this is not a safe superstition to participate in.

9. Not talking about selling your car while inside it

Don’t talk about selling your car while you’re sitting inside of it. In Russia, it’s unlucky to discuss selling your car while you’re sitting inside the cabin. Supposedly the car will “hear” you and become resentful, and things will start to break and malfunction before you can get rid of it.

10. Good Luck Charms/Talismans

Hang something to ward off evil. A lot of drivers hang some sort of lucky charm or religious emblem inside of their car to help ward off evil and keep them and their vehicle safe when out on the road.

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